
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Clash of the Not Titans

According to this story in the Daytona Beach News-Journal, yesterday marked the first "debate" between the candidates for mayor of Daytona Beach in this fall's election. Candidates are city commisioners Mike Shallow and Yvonne Scarlett-Golden and former city administrator Tom McClelland. Highlights follow:
Scarlett-Golden and Shallow said they want to search for a new city manager when Richard Quigley reaches his projected retirement date next April.

"We've got a world-class city with some world-class problems and we need a world-class manager who can get results," Shallow said.
"World-class." Riiiiiiight. With a world-class educational system in Volusia County, too, heh?
All three candidates supported efforts to combat prostitution, but debate on this subject hit a low point.

"I don't know how they make any money," Shallow said. "We don't have the best-looking prostitutes."

McClelland added, "There's not enough vodka in the world to make them look good."
That's what makes us a world class city, Commissioner Shallow. It's our bee-yoo-tii-ful hookers!

At least we can be thankful that current mayor and all-around bozo Baron H. "Bud" Asher isn't running or can't run for re-election.